vineri, 21 iunie 2013

Laurent Chehere's Flying Houses

Laurent Chehere is a french photographer from Paris who used to work in publicity and who one day decided to quit his job and travel around the world. On his return, he decided to live from his two passions, traveling and photography.

From Shanghai to Valparaiso, from Srinagar to Ushuaia, from Paz to Bamako or from Lhassa to Bogota, he fed his imagination and delivered his views on the world and the others. He loves to explore cities, suburbs, countries, as well as he loves to explore all aspects of photography, from reports to conceptual image.

From his particular interest in architecture has resulted the “Flying Houses” serie. Real houses? Imaginary houses? He’s trying to show their beauty hidden in being pulled out of context, by becoming anonymous and suggesting maybe escaping.












Info and images © Laurent Chehere

Laurent Chehere's Flying Houses

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