duminică, 13 ianuarie 2013

Pupkulies & Rebecca Play Cabo Verde - The Movie

Did you ever ask yourself if electronic and traditional African music fit together?

They decided to go on a journey to Cabo Verde with a film crew and mash up our sounds

with the deep-rooted music culture of their friend Tibau Tavares.

What’s It All About

One month on Cabo Verde! That’s the plan for Janosch, & Rebecca and Sepp aka Pupkulies

& Rebecca.Together with musician and composer Tibau Tavares they soak up Cape Verdean

music and interpret them in their own electronic way. Their movie follows the common

progress of the musicians, illustrates the stories of the songs and makes you feel the daily

life on the islands. Along with the action on Cabo Verde we show the musicians preparing

backstage and performing their new electro-African music at the Fusion Festival 2013.

The Budget

A movie production like this requires money and so far they’ve received a lot of positive

feedback. That’s great! But they still need more financial support. There are flight tickets,

tons of music and film equipment, they have to feed our crew and take care of the post production.

17.500$ is a respectable amount of money that they need to make this movie happen. For sure

the more we raise, the more effort they can put in the creative process.

What they need the money for:

  • Flight tickets for 9 people to Cabo Verde and back
  • Food, accommodation (2 houses) and transportation (cars & fuel) for 1 month
  • Wages for crew members
  • Equipment (cinema camera, guitars etc.)
  • Additional costs during shooting period
  • Pre-Production & Postproduction (5 months work)

Your Rewards

They spent nights and days to think about what we can throw in return for your donations.

Finally they’ve bundled some pretty nice packages for you. The greatest thing of all:

no matter which package you choose, you get the first produced record of Janosch and his

friend Joscha without any waiting time – the awesome Strassmann album!

The Crew

A great team of creative minds is ready to grab some instruments and cameras.

Pupkulies & Rebecca



Tibau Tavares


Steffen Boseckert – Director


Kaleb Wentzel-Fisher – Director of Photography


Frédéric Gerth – Sound Engineer


Daniel Peter – Photographer


via indiegogo




Pupkulies & Rebecca Play Cabo Verde - The Movie

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