vineri, 13 septembrie 2013

Incertitudes: sound activated clothing by Ying Gao

We have already featured Ying Gao‘s gaze activated dresses and now she presents a new project titled ‘Incertitudes’ which consists of sound activated clothing made from PVDF, dressmaker pins and electronic devices.

The project was built around the idea of uncertainty. Both garments are activated by the spectator’s voice. Through the motion of the pins, the garments engage the spectator on a conversational level, which is filled with misunderstanding(s) and uncertainty. “The less foreseeable the future, the more we need to be mobile, flexible, ready to react, permanently prepared to change, supermodern, more modern than the moderns of the heroic period.” (Lipovetsky, Les temps hypermodernes, 2004, ). Individuals are pressured by time and technical innovation; they live in a divided present with an uncertain future. They exist in a transitory state, always on-the-go out of fear of “missing the boat”, and believing that they are never in the right place at the right time. A hypermodern individual is a being of the here-and-now, pressured by a logic of urgency, and worried about the future.











Info and images © Ying Gao

See our story on Ying Gao‘s gaze activated dresses here.

Incertitudes: sound activated clothing by Ying Gao

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