miercuri, 5 iunie 2013

Unnamed Soundsculpture by Onformative

The basic idea of this project by Onformative is built upon the consideration of creating a moving sound sculpture from the recorded motion data of a real person.

For their work, they asked Laura Keil, a Berlin based dancer to interpret a musical piece – Kreukeltape by Machinefabriek – as closely as possible with the movement of her own body. She was recorded by three depth cameras (Kinect), in which the intersection of the images was later put together to a three-dimensional volume (3d point cloud), doing so, they were able to use the collected data throughout the further process.

The three-dimensional image allowed them a completely free handling of the digital camera, without limitations of the perspective. The camera also reacts to the sound and supports the physical imitation of the musical piece by the performer. She moves to a noise field, where a simple modification of the random seed can consistently create new versions of the video, each offering a different composition of the recorded performance. The multi-dimensionality of the sound sculpture is already contained in every movement of the dancer, as the camera footage allows any imaginable perspective.


” The body – constant and indefinite at the same time – »bursts« the space already with its mere physicality, creating a first distinction between the self and its environment. Only the body movements create a reference to the otherwise invisible space.”





All info and images © onformative

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Unnamed Soundsculpture by Onformative

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